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World's Best Mulberry (4 cuttings) Refresh

Bryce's World's Best

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Located in: Lakeland, FL
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USPS First Class $6.00

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Thanks so much, Jan


This sell is for 4 cuttings from my World's Best Dwarf Everbearing tree I got from Bryce. This tree fruits ABUNDANTLY.  I am in zone 9B and this is a beautiful Dwarf everbearing mulberry.  I believe it to be the same as Thai Dwarf so you would not need both because they taste identical with a 2" large berry.  BUT for me World's Best grows must faster and better here in hot humid Florida.  I am a huge collector of mulberries.  My favorite for my climate so far for taste and or production are Jans Best Dwarf everbearing,  Worlds Best Dwarf Everbearing,  Maui, Valdosta,  Pakistan black,  Tice or Estero Giant and Shangri-la,  There are lots of others that taste good but so far have not produced many berries so the list is to be continued as I grow more out and see how they produce.  If you are in zone 8 or below Illinois everbearing is a must have but for our 9 zone climate it doesn't want to wake up and not much fruit.  Worlds Best Dwarf Everbearing ROOTS VERY EASILY AND FRUITS QUICKLY. AND ABUNDANTLY.  I have over 30 varieties.  I have these varieties available right now.  I can do custom invoice with different cuttings.


6th Street


Estero Giant (very likely Tice a delicious large native Florida variety.)

Pakistani Black 

World's Best Dwarf Everbearing 

Jan's Best Dwarf Everbearing



Maple Leaf

Florida Giant

Shangri la


Australian Green very similarto pakistan white (for grafting only it doesn't root)




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